Multiple sclerosis (MS) is probably the most widely reported demyelinating condition of the central nervous system
In this condition, the body's immune system attacks the myelinated sheath or the myelin cells that make and maintain the myelin sheath. This results in inflammation and damage to these cells and eventually to the nerve cells, which are attached to them.
Myelin itself is a substance that lies between the nerves. In fact, it is extremely important for the normal functioning of our central nervous system as it acts as the insulation between the nerves and the brain and is responsible for transmitting messages from the brain. The myelin is made up of myelin protein, which is similar to the collagen that makes up the skin. If the protein is damaged or affected in any way, it can cause the entire nerve system to be damaged and this includes the brain.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic illness characterized by the inflammation of the brain and the surrounding areas. It is a result of demyelination of the central nervous system and this is mainly caused by abnormal signals sent by the brain. When multiple sclerosis sets in, a person is more likely to experience the symptoms of this condition and it can even be fatal at times.
The myelin sheath is essential for proper transmission of information between the brain and the muscles. However, during the development of multiple sclerosis, there are several abnormalities which affect the production of myelin, which results in myelination failure. These include the loss of protective myelin proteins, the destruction of the myelinated sheath and the abnormal firing of the myelinated fibers and eventually the death of the cells.

The myelin protein that is produced and maintained is important for proper transmission of messages from the brain to the muscles
When myelin proteins are not produced properly, it leads to progressive atrophy and loss of function. When there is a complete absence of myelin proteins in the muscles, the body cannot properly transfer information from the brain to the muscles cannot send messages to the brain effectively. This means that the body will be unable to transmit messages and control muscular movements. In turn, muscle weakness will develop and this will lead to pain, muscle spasms and even paralysis and permanent disabilities to the patient.
Multiple sclerosis is a condition that can be successfully treated with the proper medications and medical therapies. However, the treatments should always start with an evaluation and proper diagnosis of the condition. Even though this condition does not affect the myelin protein in any way, it is still important for proper management of the condition in order for the patient to have the best possible treatment. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic condition, which means that the symptoms can come back and the patient may not be able to return to previous activity levels for years.
This is also the reason why the myelin sheathing is constantly replenished. Since this condition is controlled by the myelinating proteins, drugs must be taken to help it get back in balance. A patient must therefore avoid substances that might have side effects on it or that are known to damage the myelinating proteins. Certain foods such as alcohol and tobacco can damage the protein production in the myelinated.
There are numerous treatments available for those who suffer from multiple sclerosis. Some of these include prescription drugs that act to reduce the symptoms, although there are also homeopathic remedies that are recommended to relieve and even prevent the onset of new episodes of multiple sclerosis. Many people have reported good results when taking herbs and vitamins such as vitamin C, ginkgo biloba, and chromium, which are known to stimulate the production of myelin and inhibit muscle weakening. These supplements also help the body produce more myelin sheathing proteins so that it can properly maintain myelin production and protect the fibers.