If you have suffered from panic disorder for at least six months, you may be a candidate for therapy
People who suffer from panic disorders can find life difficult due to the constant worry about future attacks. In addition, many of these people are unable to function in the workplace, and some may even feel out of control in social situations.
Panic disorder, although not fully understood, is a condition that attacks without any cause. Panic attacks occur when a person suffers from anxiety, or fear of another attack, without an underlying cause. People with panic disorders have episodes of intense fear which they believe is caused by a perceived threat. Panic attacks occur on a regular basis for several days at a time. In most cases, panic attacks do not last longer than fifteen minutes.
Some of the symptoms of a panic attack include heart palpitations, a racing heart, difficulty breathing, and dizziness. The onset of an attack varies depending on the individual; some people suffer for minutes while others experience them for more than fifteen minutes. However, no matter how long it lasts, all of these symptoms are terrifying. The fear of an attack can keep a sufferer awake for days, or even weeks. When a person suffers from a panic attack, these episodes begin to occur unpredictably, without prior warning.
If you or someone you know suffers from a panic attack, you should seek medical attention immediately. If you ignore an attack, it can result in a much more serious medical condition such as a stroke.
There are several different treatment methods available. Some medications may be prescribed by a doctor. Others can be taken by using prescription medications. Medications can provide some relief for some people, but can cause serious side effects, especially if they are taken over a long period of time. Many medications can also come with severe side effects and should only be used under the advice of a doctor or mental health professional.

Another option is cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our brains contain a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for regulating mood. mood and memory, and feelings, among other functions.
With this disorder, the chemical levels in the brain become imbalanced; because of this imbalance, a sufferer has the perception that their mind and body are out of balance. This belief causes the sufferer to have irrational panic attacks. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used in conjunction with medication in order to help patients learn to identify their fear and then take steps to counter the anxiety.
One of the first things that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy does be taught the sufferer how to recognize an attack coming on. A panic attack will usually occur during periods of heightened stress. For instance, when the sufferer is afraid of a particular job interview, he/she might get an anxious feeling or have trouble focusing. During this period, he/she may feel shortness of breath or nausea. These feelings are a sign of an attack coming on, and the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy therapist will help the sufferer to recognize these feelings and how to deal with them.
The next step in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to help the sufferer to identify the root cause of his/her anxiety. It is common for the disorder to have a deep-rooted source that cannot be treated by medication alone. By identifying the real cause, a patient can then try to change that cause. in order to prevent future attacks.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will also work to desensitize the patient to the situations that trigger his/her anxiety. attacks. If the sufferer has already had panic attacks before, they will be told to look at their attacks from a new perspective. The therapist will give the patient a variety of cues to help him/her face the situation.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a great tool for both those suffering from a panic disorder and for their friends, family, and co-workers. It has been proven to be effective for curing panic disorders. However, it should be considered only as a last resort. If the above methods do not provide any relief, or if the disorder is too severe, a medical visit should be made. to ensure that a diagnosis and treatment plan are being used.