When lung cancer starts to grow, symptoms typically do not develop until the cancer has reached its final stages
However, sometimes these symptoms become apparent months or even years later.
Cough associated with lung cancer is the most common symptom. Other common symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pains and coughing that may not be present. In some cases, people with lung cancer have difficulty breathing due to a lack of oxygen.
The earlier the cancer is detected, the easier it will be to treat. However, there are symptoms that can indicate the beginning of cancer before it reaches any serious stages. Most cancers of the lung begin in the center of the lungs and then spread to the lining of the chest wall. Sometimes, they start out as just a cough. Other symptoms include shortness of breath and chest pains.
Some of the symptoms of lung cancer are similar to the symptoms of other cancers. The most common type of lung disease is bronchitis, which causes an inflammation of the airway. The symptoms of this disease include coughing, wheezing, fever and chest discomfort.
Other types of cancers, especially those that have spread to the chest wall, may not cause any symptoms at all. Chest tumors can also be silent killers. They may be asymptomatic. Some cancers, however, may be fatal if left untreated. The symptoms of these cancers are very similar to those of the lung cancer.
Many people with chest wall tumors experience an increased risk of heart disease. Heart attacks, heart failure and pulmonary embolisms are other possible complications of heart tumors. The symptoms of these cancers can also cause shortness of breath and chest pains. The symptoms of these illnesses are often confused with those of the lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer are difficult to diagnose in patients who have had surgery for cancer that has spread to the chest wall. Some patients who have had surgery to remove the lung cancer may not have symptoms or signs of the cancer because they have already developed cancer in their lungs.
A cancer diagnosis is made when the cancer has spread to the lungs. Chemotherapy is used to kill cancer cells while they are still in the bone marrow. chemotherapy drugs also use treatments the cancer cells that do not have cancer producing cells. Radiation therapy, which uses high energy rays, is another method of treating lung tumors.
Lung cancer treatment is often given in combination with surgery
This allows the cancer cells to be removed from the bone marrow. Chemotherapy can also be given after surgery to kill any cancer cells that have already appeared in the lung.
Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are two ways to treat lung cancer. There are other options including surgery. Chemotherapy has several methods that it uses. These include injecting the cancer into the bloodstream, putting it under the skin or removing the cancer from the bone marrow. The treatment you choose depends on the type of cancer that you have.
Surgery can be used to remove the cancer from the lung. Chemotherapy and radiation often cause side effects and you should discuss this with your doctor before you have surgery done.
When the cancer spreads to the lungs the symptoms of lung cancer can become quite serious. If the cancer is small and does not spread to other areas of the body, there are fewer symptoms of this cancer. These include shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, chest pain and chest discomfort.
The symptoms of lung cancer and chemotherapy can be confused with other diseases. It is important to consult your doctor about the treatment that you receive for this type of cancer so that you can get the right treatment.