Although there is no definite proof that it has an effect on your health, people often ask what are the most common appendicitis symptoms.
Here are a few of the more common ones
The most common symptom is pain. The reason for this is simply because the pain is caused by an obstruction. If the infection were left untreated, the pain would likely result in more serious complications, which would cause more problems. Some people experience a stabbing sensation that will last for a couple of hours and is similar to having the flu. Others will feel the pain while they are sleeping.
Another common symptom is vomiting. However, it is not always caused by the infection. Many times the person may just be passing their bowels and not be experiencing any issues with constipation. They can experience this because of other conditions or as a sign of dehydration.
Other signs can also include itching or swelling. This is very typical in people who have diabetes. Many people have also noticed a watery stool which they believe to be blood. It may be the result of bacteria, but they may also be experiencing some type of hemorrhoid which will appear on the outside of the anus.
There are also some cases where people notice abdominal pain or pressure. This may also be due to the enlargement of the spleen as a result of the infection but it can also be due to a muscle strain or from a blood clot.
One very important thing to note is that the pain can actually worsen if you do not treat it fast. You will want to take some pain medication such as Tylenol and ibuprofen to help with the discomfort. The pain will usually subside within a couple of days but it is best to continue to treat it. If you do not treat it in time it could be more serious.

Because of the seriousness of this condition you should never attempt to self diagnose or try to treat yourself
Instead, seek medical attention from a doctor. They can examine your problem further to rule out any more serious complication.
If you are unsure whether you actually have appendicitis you can always find out for yourself. If your doctor tells you that it does in fact exist you will want to seek medical treatment immediately.
If you have the infection you will probably need antibiotics to clear it up but this is not always a good idea. Antibiotics will kill off the bacteria that causes the infection and cause another one to form. This is not something that you want to go through. Therefore it is a good idea to get as much information as possible about the condition.
A doctor will tell you the best possible ways to treat this problem but there are also many different home remedies that can help. This is especially true if you have diabetes. You will be able to find plenty of information on the internet.
However, there are some people who have had success using home remedies to treat their condition. It is important that you know what your options are and choose the method that works best for you.
It will also help to remember that your health should not only be taken care of during this situation, but also in the long run. This can include having a healthy diet and exercising regularly. This will help prevent further infections. Make sure that you keep the area clean and dry and try to keep your bowels regular.
As far as exercise is concerned you should keep your colon and other digestive organs clean at all times by flushing it out at least once a week with a colon cleanse. Doing this will help avoid infection.