Flu is an extremely contagious respiratory infection caused by a group of influenza virus strains that attack the nose, throat, or the lungs. It can cause severe to moderate disease, and in rare cases can cause death. The best way to avoid flu is by receiving a flu shot every year.
For most people, a seasonal flu will only cause flu-like symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, and fever. For a large percentage of people, they will have no problems with the seasonal flu because it usually goes away on its own without treatment.
In severe cases, however, it may cause serious complications. These complications may include pneumonia, paralysis, dehydration, coma, heart attack, or death. The sooner you seek medical attention for a case of flu, the better your chances of getting the treatment you need. Flu can come from many sources, including: animals, water, spores, toys, aerosol sprays, and food. The more sources there are for the virus, the higher your risk of catching it.
If you have never been vaccinated, flu is not likely to occur. However, in most cases of the flu, if you get a vaccine after the initial infection, the chances of becoming infected again are slim to none. There is one exception to this rule – if you had recently received a nasal spray flu vaccine.
A seasonal flu vaccination gives the immune system time to strengthen its defense. However, it doesn't do anything to help fight the flu in the dead of winter, or to ward off the flu entirely during the summer months. So, the best time to get a seasonal flu shot is in late fall and early winter.
If you are prone to catching the flu when you least expect it, you should take a yearly shot, no matter where you live. This way, you know you'll be prepared to battle the infection when it strikes.

Seasonal flu spreads easily in communities, so you can pass it on to your loved ones
Therefore, all members of your family should be vaccinated before the start of the flu season.
Of course, there are other reasons for getting your annual flu shots. For example, most will help prevent the spread of seasonal flu to others through coughing, sneezing, coughing, or touching contaminated objects. And since flu outbreaks tend to occur primarily in children and young people, getting your child vaccinated every few years will keep them safe. season after season of flu.
Most people think the seasonal flu shot is a waste of time because you only need to get one shot every year. However, the fact is that every flu season is different, and that your body's immune defenses can weaken over time. It is difficult to predict what your immune defenses will be at any time during the flu season. Therefore, it is recommended that you get the flu shot all year round, even if you get the seasonal flu vaccine every year.
When choosing a seasonal flu vaccine, you need to make sure it works. This means choosing a vaccine with a high level of effectiveness. You want your body's immune system to be ready to fight the virus at any time, not just when it is a threat.
When looking for a flu shot, you will find that you have two options: get the shot yourself, or get the shot in combination with another type of vaccine. Some people choose to get the vaccine in combination with antiviral drugs (such as prescription drugs). Others choose to get the flu shot when they are already taking cold or flu medications. There is no reason to wait for your fever before getting vaccinated.
If you are concerned that the flu shot will weaken your immune system, remember that it should be a supplement, not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. A strong immune system stays healthy, not sick, and a weak immune system can lead to serious complications.
Even if you get a seasonal flu shot and don't contract the infection, you should still take care of yourself. It's important to keep your immune system strong by getting plenty of rest and eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and drinking plenty of water. Also, eat lots of fruits and nuts. Foods that contain antioxidants (especially vitamin C and zinc) help the immune system stay strong.