Discover the Truth About Heart Disease

An enlarged heart is also known as cardiogenic dilatation or idiopathic cardiomyopathy, and is a disease that occurs when the heart becomes unusually enlarged by various reasons including infection, stress or other heart disorders. Many people suffer from this condition over the course of their lives, requiring treatment through medication. While it is not always… Read More »

Schizophrenia Treatment – Coping With Schizophrenia

  Most individuals with schizophrenia go through life feeling as if they are going crazy   This is not true. In fact, most individuals with schizophrenia do have an understanding of what is going on in their lives and many do have some idea of what they should do in a given situation.   Schizophrenia… Read More »

Getting a Seasonal Flu Shot

  Flu is an extremely contagious respiratory infection caused by a group of influenza virus strains that attack the nose, throat, or the lungs. It can cause severe to moderate disease, and in rare cases can cause death. The best way to avoid flu is by receiving a flu shot every year.   For most… Read More »

What Are the Symptoms of Lupus?

Lupus is an extremely painful chronic (chronic) disease, which attacks various organs, such as the kidney, bones, kidneys, liver, heart, and skin. The main symptoms of lupus are extreme pain in the legs, hips and abdomen. The disorder may be triggered by environmental factors or it can take place for a long time without ever… Read More »

Swine Flu

  The term "H1N1" is short for swine flu in humans. The word swine influenza virus means swine flu in humans and sometimes the human virus can also be transferred to pigs who work with humans. Very rarely does the human person who works on animals actually pass on the swine flu virus, but that… Read More »

How to Learn Italian Quick and Easy

Quarentine is the Italian word for "quarried." What is the proper spelling for Quarrenne? This word could also be misspelled. Here are the suggested common misspellings for the words you were looking for. If you're unsure of the spelling of a word, don't panic–there are plenty of resources on the Internet to help you out.… Read More »

How Can I Find a Natural Cure For Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that manifests itself in red, thick, scaly red patches of inflamed skin covering the surface of the body with silvery scales. These patches usually appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, lower back and even on the scalp, though they can also appear anywhere else on the body. Psoriasis, or… Read More »

Getting the Right Care at the Mayo Clinic

If you have health problems, then you know how much a visit to the Mayo Clinic can save your life   Whether you have diabetes, high blood pressure or even if you just need to visit to check the condition of your hair, your doctor at the Mayo Clinic can provide you with all the… Read More »

Shingles and Chickenpox – Treating Both

  Shingles, or chickenpox, causes painful blisters that are typically seen on the face, head, and neck. However, some people develop a bluish rash that begins on the top of the head and gradually grows downward until it reaches the base of the skull. Shingles is most common in adults but can occur at any… Read More »

How to Deal With Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia is a chronic or long-term condition that causes chronic fatigue and muscle pain (being fatigued)   You might also experience several other chronic pain disorders at the same time including: fibromyalgia. In most cases, it starts in the middle of adulthood but can happen later on in life as well. It can be disabling… Read More »

Endometriosis Symptoms

Symptoms of endometriosis vary greatly from person to person. Common symptoms include: heavy bleeding after having intercourse, pain during sexual intercourse, unexplained cramping or discomfort during the peri-menopause period, pain or pressure in the abdomen, abdominal pain during the perimenopause and difficulty in bowel movement. Endometriosis symptoms depend on the location of the endometrial growths.… Read More »